1. Apéro Meeting ouvert à l'écosystème entrepreneurial Toulousain, organisé en partenariat avec ANITI, La French Tech Toulouse, Aerospace Valley et La Mêlée

    John's biography : 

    CEO John Chisholm Ventures; Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor, Trustee, MIT and Santa Fe Institute, Autor Unleash Your Inner Company : Use Passion & Perseverance to Build Your Ideal Business. From San Francisco, California

    John Chisholm Ventures advises and invests in entrepreneurs who are passionate about making the world a better place, and helps create market environments conductive to entrepreneurship worldwide. We are technology entrepreneurs who have experienced first-hand the challenge, personal growth, and liberation of entrepreneurship; and witnessed the economic growth and advances in quality of life that entrepreneurship drives worldwide. We serve other entrepreneurs through consulting, angel investing, and mentoring.

    Globally, we promote entrepreneurship to drive economic growth in the developing world and advances in quality of life in the developed world. We do this by advising global leaders and policy makers; promoting freedom and free markets; and by raising concerns when regulation stifles entrepreneurship and innovation, reinforces the positions of entrenched market players at the expense of new entrants, and increases incentives to shift jobs elsewhere.

    Specialities: Enterprise/consumer SaaS; customer/workforce loyalty; business intelligence, measurement, analytics, reporting.

  1. Apéro Meeting with John Chisholm
    In English of course
    1. Terminé
  2. Date et Heure
    1. mercredi 20 avril 2022 à 18:30
  3. Organisateur
    1. LA MELEE

      Née en 2000, l’association La Mêlée fédère près de 600 adhérents désireux d’échanger, d’entreprendre, de partager et d’innover autour du Numérique et de l’intelligence collective.

      En savoir +

  4. Informations pratiques
    • Date : mercredi 20 avril
    • Horaires : de 18h30 à 20h30
    • Lieu :
      La Cantine du Quai des savoirs - 1er étage (Entrée pro sur la droite du bâtiment 39 All. Jules Guesde), 31000 TOULOUSE