1. This training takes place at the Luxembourg School in the form of an extension of 5 intensive days, from Saturday 28 April 2018 (10.00) to Wednesday 2 May (5.00 pm) 2018. 
  2. Key strengths
    Two modules in one seminar
    Practical exercises adapted to the world of business and institutions
    A quiet and surrounded by nature
    Customized menus

  3. Benefits
    Be operational to propose biocentric services in companies and institutions.
    Educational materials
    Creative, Biocentric and Pedagogical Exercises
  4. Audience
    If you, as a Biodanza facilitator, want to reach companies and their employees effectively and thus stimulate business affectivity and the application of the biocentric principle in companies, then this extension is the tool for your next step .
  5. Map


    Extension created by Hubertus Scheidlberger, Biodanza Didactic Professor, with more than 25 years experience in management in large companies.
    1. Closed
  2. Date et heure
    1. 28/04/2018
    2. Closed !
  3. Organizer
    1. Ecole de Biodanza de Luxembourg & Grande Région
      Améliorer et transformer votre vie grâce à notre formation Biodanza et nos ateliers de Biodanza et de développement personnel et de mieux-être psycho-corporel. 
      Obtenez des résultats garantis en venant régulièrement à nos ateliers!
  4. Practical infos
    • Place : Auberge de Jeunesse
      31, Wäistrooss Remerschen, 5440 REMERSCHEN
  5. Terms and conditions
    Not refundable, but you can transfer yourself your ticket of the seminar to another Biodanza teacher or student in supervision. Please keep us informed in advance and send to us the details of the person who will replace you.